George Soper (1870-1942) was an English artist, with no formal academic background in art, but with great talent. His work was mainly focused on depicting rural life in England. Of his famous works, in his Alice in Wonderland, the Water babies, and Arabian nights, as well as other works. You can read more about himand his work, over here.
Soper’s Alice’s adventures in Wonderland was first published in 1911, his illustrations of Alice and Wonderland have a dynamic sense to them, and a lot of movement. I only have the later edition, out circa 1930’s. Let’s go over the illustrations in the book.
Front hard cover, with Alice and the caterpillar
Backside of the hardcover on both ends of the book, is this illustration of Alice and all the Wonderland creatures
Before the title page we have the illustration of Alice and the caucus race crew, listening to the mouses’s tale
Title page – Published by George Allen & Unwin ltd.
All in the Golden afternoon poem, illustrated with Dodgeson and the three sisters in the boat
The White rabbit appears. Like in this one, there movement and a feeling of capturing a living moment in many of Soper’s Alice illustrations
Alice running after the White Rabbit
White rabbit disappears in his hole
Curiouser and curiouser
Alice crying
“The rabbit started violently”
Alice and the mouse swimming in her pool of tears
The Caucus race
A mouses tale
Alice going into the White Rabbit’s house
Alice leaning against a buttercup
Alice freaking out the white rabbit
Advice from a caterpillar
Alice and the Caterpillar. The same illustration appears on the front cover
Father William 1/2
Father William 2/2
Alice and the Cheshire cat
Pig and Pepper – Alice, the Duchess, the baby, the cook, and the Cheshire cat
Alice under the mushroom
Alice and the pig baby
Alice and the Pigeon
A Mad Tea Party
Painting the roses
Alice and the flamingo
card soldier and hedge-hog
Cheshire cat at the croquet ground, trolling the Queen
Alice, Duchess, and Flamingo
Alice and Gryphon
The lobster quadrille
Gryphon, Alice, and Mock turtle
Fish and snail
Owl and panther
The Mock turtle sobbing
White Rabbit at the trial
The trial
You’re nothing but a pack of cards
George Soper – Spirited Alice