John Morton-Sale (1901-1990), was a British artist, I cannot find a lot about him online, the most detailed account of his and his wife’s biography, can be read here.
His Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, and Through the looking Glass, was published at 1933. I have the first edition, Not in a perfect condition, and it only has 9 illustrations altogether. Still it has a lot of charm. Although the time period of this book publication date, places it in the art-deco era, Morton-Sale’s style in this book appears to me as a loose art-nouveau style, with long flowing lines.
Let’s dive into the book. Illustrations, and pages are placed by order of appearance in the book
Front cover, with Alice leaning against a buttercup
Alice, after shedding her pool of tears, startling the White Rabbit, that’s dropping his fan and gloves
Title page
Alice and the mouse, swimming in her pool of tears
Alice leans against a buttercup (between the puppy and the caterpillar scenes).
Alice, Hatter, March hare, and Dormouse
Alice and the flamingo at the Croquet ground, along with the Cheshire cat, and the King and Queen
Alice, the Mock turtle, and the Gryphon
Through the Looking Glass, Alice’s giant hand, with the King and Queen
Alice and the depressed White Queen
Alice and the White Knight
John Morton Sale – Elegant Alice